Day 11
import { inputDay, maybeNumber, range } from "./lib/utilities.js"
const parser = inp => inp.split(" ").map(maybeNumber)
const test = parser(`125 17`)
const input = await inputDay(11, { parser })
part 1
I think I can guess where part 2 is going, but let's play along.
Start with a function to process a single stone
function t(stone) {
if (stone == 0) return 1
const ss = String(stone)
if (ss.length % 2 === 0) {
return [+ss.slice(0, ss.length / 2), +ss.slice(ss.length / 2, ss.length)]
return stone * 2024
We're going to have lots of repetitive results, so memoize them
/** memoize a function of a single comparable argument */
function memoize(f) {
const memo = {}
return n => (Object.hasOwn(memo, n) ? memo[n] : (memo[n] = f(n)))
Then iterate n
times and return the result
function totalSize(stones, n) {
const stoneVal = memoize(t)
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
stones = stones.flatMap(stoneVal)
return stones.length
display(totalSize(test, 6))
display(totalSize(input, 25))
part 2
If we try to execute part 1's answer for part 2, it takes forever and the array grows so large that the program fails.
The key to solving it is realizing that we the array will be absolutely chock-full of duplicates, and all we care about is how many of any given number we have.
function totalSize2(stones, n) {
const stoneVal = memoize(t)
// An object with [stone: count] entries to track how many of each stone we
// have
let counts = Object.fromEntries( => [s, stones.filter(x => x == s).length]),
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// an updated count list
const c2 = {}
Object.entries(counts).forEach(([stone, count]) => {
const res = stoneVal(stone)
if (Array.isArray(res)) {
c2[res[0]] = count + (c2[res[0]] || 0)
c2[res[1]] = count + (c2[res[1]] || 0)
} else {
c2[res] = count + (c2[res] || 0)
// replace the count list
counts = c2
// return the sum of the values of the counts list
return Object.values(counts).reduce((a, b) => a + b)
display(totalSize2(test, 6))
display(totalSize2(input, 25))
display(totalSize2(input, 75))